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RPN CalcSeries Basic Conversion and Mathematics 1.0

RPN CalcSeries Basic Conversion and Mathematics 1.0

RPN CalcSeries Basic Conversion and Mathematics Publisher's Description

Untitled Document • Actually, this a two in one calculator - a basic conversion and a mathematics calculator. You switch from one calculator to the other just tapping the Calculator Status Key.

• Units to be converted are classified in two main groups:
Group 1 -> linear, area, volume and weight.
Group 2 -> speed, pressure and temperature.
- You toggle from a 'family' of units in a group to another family, by sequentially tapping the respective group status key.
- to do conversions, among units from the same family, just enter with the first unit value, by using the numeric keypad, tap the actual unit key, identified by the unit label on the key, and after that, tap the target unit key.

• The Math Calculator deals with the following functions:
- trigonometrics;
- trigonometrics inverse;
- hyperbolics;
- hyperbolics inverse;
- natural logarithm
- decimal logarithm;
- exponential;
- pow(10, x);
- pow(y, i/x);
- sqrt;
- inverse;
- factorial

• Besides that, GRAPHS and LISTS are also available for the above functions.

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